فرص جديدة متاحة لمدرسي اللغة الانكليزية لتنمية و تقوية المهارات التدريسية. سيبدأ البرنامج في ربيع او خريف 2014 و يستمر لمدة ستة اسابيع في الولايات المتحدة الاميركية.
على المتقدم ان يكون مدرسا في مستوى الثانوية و ذو خبرة لا تقل عن خمس سنوات و على ان يكون عراقيا او مقيما في العراق و ان يكون حاصلا على 450 درجة من امتحان توفل او اعلى.
للمزيد من التفاصيل يرجى قراءة نص الاعلان ادناه باللغة الانكليزية. اخر موعد للتقديم April 15, 2013
او فتح المرفق للاطلاع على الاعلان بشكل اوضح.
للحصول على و ارسال استمارة التقدبم مباشرة الى السفارة الاميركية في بغداد على الايميل التالي:
عند التقديم يرجى وضعنا في حقل الـ CC للمتابعة و شكرا

يرجى التقديم او مشاركة الاعلان مع الراغبين و الذين تنطبق عليهم شروط التقديم.
The Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program (TEA) provides international
teachers with unique opportunities to develop expertise in their subject areas,
enhance their teaching skills, and increase their knowledge about the United
States. TEA consists of a six‐week non‐degree, non‐credit customized academic
program including seminars on new teaching methodologies, curriculum
development, lesson planning, and instructional technology. Participants will also
participate in a practicum in a U.S. secondary school near the host university to
work closely with U.S. teachers and teach and present to U.S. students. Cultural
enrichment, mentoring, and support will be provided throughout the program.
The international participants will travel to the United States in two cohorts of
approximately 80 teachers each in spring or fall 2014.
Upon returning home, TEA program alumni are eligible to apply for small grants
for essential teaching materials, follow‐on training for other teachers,
collaborative projects between schools in their home country and the United
States, and other activities that build on their U.S. experience.
The TEA fellowship is fully funded and provides:
 J‐1 visa support;
 A pre‐departure orientation held in participant’s home country;
 Round‐trip airfare to and within the U.S
 A Welcome Orientation in Washington, D.C.;
 Academic program fees;
 Housing (generally shared with other program fellows) and meals;
 Accident and sickness medical insurance coverage;
 Transportation to the teaching practicum school (if necessary);
 A daily allowance for meals and incidentals during the academic program;
 A book/professional development allowance;
 A baggage/shipping allowance (domestic and international)
 A Closing Workshop in Washington, D.C.; and
 The opportunity to apply for alumni small grants.
Application Deadline: April 15, 2013
To Apply: Applications for the Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program can be obtained and submitted by
·        TEACHBaghdadTEAProgram@state.govBaghdadTEAProultural Affairs (ECA),
·         UEligibility Requirements:
·         Current secondarylevel,
fulltime teachers with five
or more years of classroom
experience in disciplines
·         English or English as a
Foreign Language
·         Social Studies
·         Math
·         Sciences
·         Citizens of and residents in Iraq
·         Proficient in written and
spoken English with a
paperbased TOEFL score of
450 or higher*
·         Continue teaching after
completion of the program;
·         Have submitted a complete
*A limited number of Fellows with
TOEFL between 425 and 450 will be
accepted for the program into a
special cohort with additional English
language training included in the
professional development program.